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A bug report, there is a bug with the Hat Man/Grey Man, in Additional Dreams and Original Dreams, in Additional Dreams, he doesn't teleport correctly, and can not clip the grounds, and he doesn't follow the player, he just teleports and keep walking in a straight line.

Using the additional dream mod doesnt seem to allow the original dreams to work? I think it would be nice if it did. Also should i set the "use original music" setting to on or off? what would be better?


Figgle, thanks for taking under the immense effort to make this surrealistic artistic piece available to the masses in the modern age. 

imma make a video about playing this on lsd

How did you manage to do a remake of a game which we are still wondering how some mechanics are working ? Really good job ! I wonder what are the differences

(1 edit)

it's a really cool and surreal experience 


Hey ! I used this game in my short film. Ill leave it here if you want to check it out :)

very good video!

Thank you !

I've known about this game for a time, but didn't expect to be this "surrealistic", never tried the original before but I keep with this one since I love how easy is to get lost just exploring everything.

I made a video playing this and other games (spanish), I really enjoyed the experience, looking forward to new upcoming version, best wishes! 😎👍


I encountered the Gray Man in a flashback multiple times, and if I'm correct the original behavior is supposed to erase and end the remaining flashback instead of having the same effect as a normal dream.

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The biggest complaint about this is the fact that the days end way too quickly. I hardly have enough time to explore before I'm kicked back to the main menu. The days in the original version of the game weren't this short. I would recommend the dev to make the days last a bit longer.    


This is planned for the next version.


Yea for three more years

(1 edit) (+1)(-2)

You can just download the rom and load it up on your ps1 emulator so you can play the original version. And plus its free so you wont have to spend like 500 dollars on it.

i think if they wanted to emulate it, they would? they're obviously interested in this revamp because they commented on it.


It is written that the game is 99% ready, what is missing from the original game?


A handful of rare events, and the precise location of spawn points - everything else is there. Essentially, it will never be 100% accurate until a full decompilation of the game (which I do not have planned) due to the random nature of the original. It's close enough to be near identical.


very lsd 69/&5

Only saw videos of this, didn't know someone made a remake of it on here...decided to give it a expected, nothing makes sense, everything is weird and idea what I'm doing. I don't get this game...which is...kinda the point. lol


could you call it a Bizarre Adventure. JOJOS BIZARRE ADVENTURE

Crazy Noisy Bizzare town, and Death 13 as its mayor

hell yeah man thank you











ive always wanted to play this game ever since i was a kid. im so glad i got to play this revamped version!! absolutely wonderful and super eerie. every time i play i hit my dab pen and yeah i definitely feel like im tripping. thank you guys so much for this, its a dream come true. 

something about exploring others' dreams is just really cool to me. love this game

Hi, I'm having a issue when i start the game it get stuck in a black screen and don't get into the game menu.

(1 edit)

amazing game, the music is amazing, the controls hit the quintessentials, and original dreams actually feels like playing the original ps1 game, excited to see what might get added or be changed. (resolution scaler instead of toggle for pixelization bruhaps?)


I like it :) 100/10

I played the new update (Additional Dreams) Awesome Stuff!

that aint lsd drean enukator

It's the addional Dream Mod, it comes LSD Revamp, if you want the full game of the LSD Revamp Orginal: 

how do you get mods for it? i saw that you could download mods but dont know were to get them


There is a mod built in. Check the start of this video it shows how to activate it:


This is really awesome and smooth! This does have some issues, like how running into stuff doesn't transport me, or to change the revamped controls I first must create and cancel a new template, but from what i've seen it's very clean and up to date! Please continue to update the game!


I haven't played the original LSD: Dream Emulator, but I appreciate your continued development on this remake and thus giving people like myself a chance to play a cult-classic on modern hardware. I am really enjoying the game so far and I'm looking forward to future updates!

If you're familiar with Doom source ports, I consider this to be the equivalent of Crispy Doom: providing some useful quality-of-life features while remaining faithful to the source material. It's not the original, but it's a great alternative. <3


It may be a given, but how much of the game will you be able to mod, or will modding be limited to additional dreams? I mainly ask because of the gray man, which can appear in multiple dreams. Will you be able to add an entity of a similar nature? I mean, there is that gray dog within the original game files...

Will you be able to add custom text or video dreams? Will custom dreams be able to have additional features present in the base dreams, like static links (in entities or the map itself, say, to other custom dreams or even base dreams), special or rare events (stretching, entities on certain day types, video segments etc.), disabling of entities like the gray man, or certain positions on the dream chart?


Most things should be possible, in theory. All of the content from the original game that is present in LSD: Revamped has been created using the modding tools - the 'Original Dreams' in-game are technically a mod that is built-in to the game.

Deleted 292 days ago

this game made me freak out i love it

Can it run on windows XP

Genuinely not sure. Try it out and let me know!

not working,cuz this is need a new unity ver


this is such an amazing remake i hope you get all the recognition you deserve

I can't use a controller. I swear when I played this some months ago I did it with a controller but now it doesn't work.

After starting a dream (which does work with controller) using revamped scheme, the right analog moves the camera crazy fast. Dpad and left analog aren't doing anything. No buttons but pause are doing anything. Can't navigate menu or choose menu options with controller when in a dream either. Can only pause and unpause.

Changing to classic scheme, it's the same as revamped. Except now the right analog does nothing too.

Making a new control scheme shows that dpad/analog and buttons should be bound. But making a new scheme and using it (haven't tried changing from defaults because it shows controls are already bound to controller) acts the same as classic scheme, where nothing works but pausing and unpausing.

Menus and controls do work with keyboard (and mouse with revamped scheme) at all times. But I want to use a controller because keyboard just not feel right to me for this.

In case it's useful information, I'm playing through the client.

I'm on a Steam Deck, playing docked with an external controller. Because I'm using the itch client (which is Windows only) that does mean I'm using the Windows version of Revamped. I've found using the itch client to be the most convenient way to run itch games on a Steam Deck in general, especially because you always know when a game was updated.

Anyway, my controller is a Logitech F310, which is basically the same as an xbox controller as far as game input is concerned. The Steam Deck's built in controller itself behaves the same way as the Logitech. So it doesn't seem to have anything to do with a specific controller not working right, but controllers in general.

Like I said before, I swear when I played this some months ago I was using the Logitech. It feels so wrong to me trying to play this with mouse and keyboard that there's no way I was playing that way before. I don't understand why the controller wouldn't be working in dreams now when it was working months ago.

Does it work on the deck without using an external controller? This sort of thing is difficult to test due to not having the hardware, but I know we have had issues before when multiple controllers are connected.

Additionally, does that controller work when running the game not on a steam deck, i.e. on a different computer?

(1 edit)

I have only a Steam Deck so I wanted to test on someone else's pc before responding. The Logitech controller worked perfectly on their Windows 10 laptop. I wasn't running through the itch client there but I doubt that made a difference.

On the Deck, if I launch Revamped without the external controller attached, the Deck's built in controls are still behaving wrongly the same as the external controller does. It's like that regardless of whether the Deck is docked when Revamped is launched or whether the Deck is not connected to anything else.

Interesting, thank you for getting back to me and apologies for the issues you're facing. I don't have a Steam Deck myself so it's difficult to test, but I'm in contact with a few people that do have one so I can get them to test it. Thanks!

(3 edits)

I just figured something out. I haven't been using the Deck on the go lately so I'm always in desktop mode.

I tried switching to to game mode (it's a more game console like mode if you aren't familiar with Deck terminology) and running Revamped that way. And the Logitech controller worked. After switching back to desktop mode to double check, controller won't work again.

That is strange. All other games I've been running through the itch client have been controlling the same whether in game mode or desktop mode. It's odd that in Revamped controllers won't work properly in desktop mode when they do in game mode.

Unfortunately it's also pretty inconvenient, because game mode doesn't let you have a browser or Discord open in the background. Or anything else really. If you aren't using the Deck on the go then being forced to use game mode for something is a real drawback.

The only other time I've seen a difference in a game between desktop vs game mode is there's two games I have (Steam games, not itch ones) that for some reason won't launch in desktop mode even though they run fine in game mode.

Anyway, long story short: If someone's going to help test I can give some details that will help replicate everything. 

I'm running Revamped through the client in Desktop mode. I'm launching the itch client using Lutris (through a shortcut in Steam created by Lutris). I remember that the itch client wasn't running on Steam Deck until I started running it through Lutris. And of course controllers aren't working right in desktop mode, whether external or the Deck's own controls.

That should replicate everything.

One thing I noticed while testing in game mode is that the default Revamped control scheme doesn't let you change the sensitivity of looking around. Pressing the pencil icon to edit either of the two default control schemes does nothing, so there's no way to change it.

That can be gotten around by making a new control scheme set to fps and adjusting the analog look sensitivity there. But having to to make a new control scheme to do that is a bit silly.

no idea what the issue is, but i cant read any of the menus. the graphics are lower quality than anything i've ever seen before, to the point that i cant decipher individual letters, let alone full words. anyone know a fix? i just want to know the controls and settings options...

Are you able to provide a screenshot? I'm not familiar with any known issues like that.

Deleted 171 days ago

set graphics to your display res and disable retro filter if you prefer. it refaults to 480p although i was able to still read text so idk


Great job on remastering this game! I can tell how much effort you put into it. The option to have an increased FOV is also really appreciated. I didn't figure out that you could run by pressing space until a few minutes into the game. The game itself (not just this remaster) is pretty monotonous, and repetitive, but that's no fault of your own, since you're just simply remastering the game, not remaking it. The base game was never all that fun, but it is really interesting, and creepy. Going to each world and seeing how you progress each day is also pretty neat. 


Bless you for continued, if prolongued work on this project. As someone who adores LSD Dream Emulator, I can't wait for full release with Mod Tools! Still gonna continue playing in-dev though.


Been looking at this for quite some time. This is amazing.

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